Service and Social Justice

Alternative Break Service Trips
SMWC Campus Ministry organizes an Alternative Break Service Trips each semester. Each trip takes on a unique location and mission. Recently SMWC students have served in West Virginia, Houston, Ontario, and Nashville.
To get more information on how to participate please contact SMWC Campus Ministry.
White Violet Center
White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence, exists to foster a way of living that recognizes the interdependence of all creation. Grounded in an understanding of Providence Spirituality as hope and healing, the center offers leadership and education in the preservation, restoration and reverent use of all natural resources.
Other Service Opportunities
There are various other service opportunities provided on and off SMWC’s campus. Recent events and collaborations include:

- Foundation Service Day
- Covenant Ministry’s Angel Tree
- Daniel’s Cause
- Catholic Charities Christmas Store
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing
- Christmas at the Woods
- Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day
- Cards and Candy for the Sisters
- Community Easter Egg Hunt with Remnant Church
- Sisters of Providence Earth Day